The popular Kannada comedy reality show “Comedy Khiladigalu” has reached the grand finale. Shivaraj is the title winner of Comedy Khiladigalu Grand finale. Comedy Khiladigalu was one of the top rated television show aired on Zee Kannada Channels. The show’s episodes were aired on Saturdays and Sundays at 9.00 PM. Comedy Khiladigalu has completed three seasons now and the fans are now hoping for the fourth season. The grand finale episode of Comedy Khiladigalu Season 3 will telecast on Sunday, 5 March 2017. The show started at 5.30 PM on wards. The finals of the show will take place at Bagalkot, Karnataka. Huge crowd were gathered around the stadium to watch the finale.
After a tight competition top 10 contestants have reached the grand finale stage. The contestants were selected to the show after auditions in the state of Karnataka. All the contestants of the show are highly talented and the show has got huge number of fans now. There were no age restrictions for the Comedy Khiladigalu show. Aneesh, Divyashree, Govinde Gowda, Hithesh, Lokesh, Muthu Raju, Nayana, Praveen, Sanju Basayya and Shivaraj are the ten contestants competing in the finals for the Comedy Khiladigalu title. We can see some amazing comedy performances from these finalists on Sunday. The audience can vote for their favorite contestants through SMS. Actor Jaggesh, Director Yograj Bhat and Actress Rakshita Prem are the three permanent judges of Comedy Khiladigalu. Check out the winner/result, and more details about the grand finale below.
Winners of Comedy Khiladigalu
Title Winner of Comedy Khiladigalu | Shivaraj |
Comedy Khiladigalu Grand Finale Date, Time and Venue
Date – Sunday, 5 March 2017
Time – 5.30 PM
Venue – Bagalkot, Karnataka
Comedy Khiladigalu Grand Finale Contestants
Aneesh, Divyashree, Govinde Gowda, Hithesh, Lokesh, Muthu Raju, Nayana, Praveen, Sanju Basayya and Shivaraj are the top finals contestants.
Judges of Comedy Khiladigalu
Actor Jaggesh, Director Yograj Bhat and Actress Rakshita Prem.
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